We are Spic&Scan

Started out of pure frustration of one and built using the skill of the other Spic&Scan developed Spendanalysis-Software. Software for creating Spendanalysis without upschmuck. Software that does what it is meant for: enriching, analyzing and displaying data clearly.

Spic&Scan is registered with the Chamber of Commerce under number 81100795.

To contact us, please select the details matching the employee of your choice.

Old-fashioned post does it with us as well:

Spic&Scan B.V.
Ambachtsweg 25
5627BZ Eindhoven

Call us: +31 40 3690799

BTW: NL 861930149 B01

Meet our Team

Sytse van Werkhoven
Owner & Programmer

One of two owners of Spic&Scan. Experienced in programming and database-issues.

+31 6 41066287

+31 40 3690799

Jarno Baaijens
Owner / Sales

One of two owners of Spic&Scan. Experienced in purchasing and supply chain-issues.

+31 6 51789056

+31 40 3690799

Gil Heijmans

Consultant at Spic&Scan. Expericenced in improving Procurement-  and Supply Chain-results.

+31 6 22239943

+31 40 3690799
